America is in a state of turmoil like never before. The current President and his failed administration has weakened the economy in many ways over the past few years. From shutting down US oil production and losing our energy independence, to initiating a wide-open border policy that has been flooding the nation with drugs, illegal immigrants, human trafficking, kidnappings and murder. “Bidenomics” does not work and has placed the US in a prone position for another terrorist attack. The people of america deserve a president and representatives that will work hard together to improve and solidify America-first policies that are aimed at promoting the general welfare and securing our blessings of liberty as outlined in the Constitution. It is important now, more than ever that we elect strong conservative leadership to office this November, from the President to the village. We need a president that exudes strength not weakness, someone our adversaries will take seriously, with sensible, unwavering policies that have been proven effective. We need Donald J. Trump back in the white house. 


The state of our economy is by far the number one issue plaguing Americans today. Granite Staters and the American people alike deserve to have a sense of financial stability and general well-being in their lives. A stable economy promotes mental health, raises confidences and establishes moral among the people. Our elected officials should be working in unison to promote a better tomorrow. Congress can play its part by first establishing a balanced budget, and sticking to it! The economy can not sustain reckless spending and a constant raising of the debt ceiling, further depreciating the value of the dollar and raising inflation. Once national spending is under control, focus needs to be on boosting the jobs market and US production of goods. With decreased spending and increased labor, inflation rates will come down. 


Productivity is the backbone of society. It is important that Americans feel confident in their government to provide the minimal resources needed to sustain consumer needs. The US should be energy independent once again. We cannot allow ourselves to remain vulnerable and dependent on overseas production when we have the resources and capability of producing here in America. This is not the time to be pursuing a flawed and unsustainable environmental agenda. We are on the precipice of war and electric tanks do not get the job done. We need to do as President Trump encourages and re-open US oil industries, expand the Natural Gas pipelines out of Pennsylvania and bring cheaper, cleaner fuel to the American People. This alone is projected to reinstate thousands of jobs and opens the door for countless other to be created in the future. There are many petroleum based byproducts created through the refinery process of oil, from liquid propane, diesel fuel and natural gas, to lubricants and plastic production. We are consuming these goods at the same rate regardless of where they are resourced. We pride ourselves on being environmentally conscious and having a clean, more efficient refinery process,  and yet insist on paying to import a dirty product from a unregulated foreign country? It only makes sense to bring production back to the US and continue being environmental conscious through better waste management practices. There is no reason to aimlessly be suffering and lose the opportunity for accountability and personal growth over this.


Unmanageable interest rates and the inflated cost of housing has left many Americans stuck between a rock and a landlord. The dream of home ownership and personal growth is fast becoming a thing of the past. Although international conflicts and trade disruptions have played their part, the current administration has failed greatly at providing any resolution or aid to the matter. The federal government can be doing more to address the American need for affordable housing. Our government can effectively bring the federal interest rates down by first addressing the root cause of inflation, re-evaluate zoning regulations towards the allowance of subdivisions, multi-family unit construction and revising lot size requirements of small dwellings to obtain a more diverse market and mitigating housing costs. 


There is not a single country in the world that has an open border policy. It use to be Common Sense that a country with no border security is at risk of being invaded and attacked. Make no mistake of it, we are being invaded and the current administration is doing absolutely nothing about it. The failure of Joe Biden in addressing the border crises has been the greatest derelict of duty since he took office. It's important that we stop the illegal crossings immediately and shut this invasion down. We have established laws and a procedures for legal immigration which I am completely in favor of, these laws need to be upheld, not ignored or unlawfully overridden. For the integrity of our legal system, the US needs to regain operational control of the border. Regardless of circumstances, we cannot allow these individuals amnesty. Granting citizenship to these individuals would deplete our welfare system and would be a blatant slap in the face to all Americans as well as those who’ve applied for asylum the appropriate way and have been patiently waiting for their claims to be heard.


“It is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.”

- Donald J. Trump

Strong foreign relations are crucial to the growth and security of our nation, It is important that we stand in support of our sworn allies. Foreign policy should reflect on safeguarding the interests of the economy and well-being of the American people. This begins largely with strong leadership capable of strengthening foreign relations and negotiating peace. Our government and its elected officials take an oath first and foremost to uphold the Constitution and serve the people of the United States, diplomacy should be conducted keeping this in mind, to promote the ideals of democracy, protecting human rights and encouraging peace in the world.


I stand by my decision that women, like everyone else should have the right to personal healthcare choices that affects their physical and reproductive health. Since the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, legislature on abortion has been left for the individual states to decide. It should be said that New Hampshire has a reasonable allowance of 6 months, or relatively the “point of viability” in which a women can make that decision with a healthcare provider. This law has been refined and has appeased the people of New Hampshire for over two decades now, things have not changed much here since the ruling. I do believe the allowance should remain with restrictions and oversight if a national bill is to be codified.


Parents, first and foremost should have the ultimate say in the education, health and decision making of their children. I am in favor of a parental bill of rights. No facility should ever have the capability or authority to override parental consent, particularly in regards to controversial topics such as sex, identity, race, and religion. The sole decision of how, where and by whom a child is educated on these subjects is the sole prerogative of the parent(s) or legal custodian, not the organization. I am also in favor of tax vouchers. If a parent wishes to educate their child somewhere other than in a public school then they should have the right to say where their tax contribution is being applied. In any case, we should be doing everything possible as a society to preserve the innocence of children for as long as possible. Let kids be kids. There’s more than enough corruption out there just waiting for them to become of age. 

On September 10, 2024, vote in the
New Hampshire Primary
for Paul Wagner for Congress

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